I am Ross, a Photographer & Videographer based in Birmingham. I help clients quickly and effectively communicate with their customers through striking and engaging visuals. I have spent over a decade crafting a recognisable style that really connects with people.

I am passionate about photo & video and have been fortunate to work with major brands throughout the UK and beyond. I treat every job with same commitment and passion, no matter the client or budget - I strive to produce the best work that I can! 

I don’t like to shout about myself, that’s not in my nature but I am always up for a chat or a coffee (or preferably a beer) so feel free to get in touch to see how I can assist with your next project.

Ross Jukes a Photographer standing holding a camera


For those looking to learn even more about me… I was born in the south of Birmingham. I am the youngest of a large family and grew up in a very working class environment. We never had much in the way of cameras so ‘Kodak moments’ were not exactly frequent. This may explain why there is only one image of me and my Dad - an image that is easily the most important to me after he died when I was young and epitomises why I love photography so much. This is a little moment that would have been lost forever if it were not recorded as a photograph.  

A family picture

The only photo of me and my dad, I’m the baby…

I had my first experience with photography at school. It was a photography element of an art class and it aimed to teach us about exposure and the development process. I would love to say that at this point, I was bitten by the ‘photography bug’. I wasn’t and found the numbers and timing calculations etc. difficult and never properly engaged. At college, I picked up the camera again but this time in the form of video and at this point, I was more intrigued. After studying Media at A-level, I wanted to pursue a career in Film or Television, but very much behind the camera!

After having some brief flirtations with the world of ‘Media’, having work experience placements at different local Newspapers and even reaching the dizzying heights of working on ‘House Call’ & ’10 Years Younger’ as an assistant - it seemed the opportunities just weren’t there for actual ‘paid work’. I went on to University in the hope that a degree may open up more doors. Whilst at University, I had the chance to take Photography as a module and I’m pleased to say, this time it gripped me more! I created several projects and became interested in the potential of a career in Photography. 

It was not be though and with the burden of money, I bounced from job-to-job for most of my 20’s and never really felt satisfied. I had some experience with taking pictures but not much more than ‘holiday snaps’ and although they were always well received, I never believed I would do any more than that. At the age of 31, I lost my mom and felt more lost than ever. A chance encounter came when a friend asked me to take some photographs of his car as he wished to start a motoring blog… I took the opportunity and never turned back.

Picture of Audi R8

Early automotive work, still love this car…

We ended up shooting car after car and I quickly fell in love with the process of not just capturing images, but editing as well - constantly trying to improve with every shoot. The only issue was that the cars (at that point) were infrequent, so I needed some other subject to fill my time. I soon found myself photographing Birmingham and quickly developed a passion for shooting at sunrise & sunset. This is nothing new in the world of photography but there was something about the golden light that had me hooked - and seemingly, others too. I started to share my images online and was amazed that anyone would even pay attention, but they did! 

Over the course of the next few years, I continued with the day job but filled every possible free hour with car shoots, Birmingham photography and developing my own, recognisable style. Social media started to play it’s part too, with many of the Birmingham focussed accounts regularly sharing my work. My following grew and so did the enquiries. I started to make print sales and accept paid commissions. At this point, I started to believe I could actually make a career out of creating images! 

A sunrise image in Birmingham UK

One of my more ‘recognisable’ images…

As my portfolio and client list grew, I started to host my own exhibitions and enjoyed having my work shared in various different publications. However, I was never truly satisfied with my images and to this day, always believe I can improve. I would often experiment with new techniques and delved even deeper into the world of video. At this point, my automotive photography was giving me the chance to work internationally, travelling to various countries was immensely rewarding - but not well paid. 

I decided to focus my main attentions on my Birmingham photography and started to land some major clients both at home and in London. My video work was starting to grow too and I still found time to create personal video projects as well as client work. Things were not all ‘rosey’ by any means as I soon found the challenges of running a business - something that I’ve had to grow into and did not come naturally at all.

More recently, I have delved headlong into the world of analogue photography in a bid to really develop my craft and find a style of imagery that I’m truly satisfied with. I also aim to continue showcasing Birmingham with my photography and remain passionate as a self-proclaimed ambassador for the city. I feel truly thankful that I get to do something that I love everyday and remain completely grounded that it could all go away at any point - but this also drives me to keep producing better and better work in the hope that I can keep the dream going a little longer… 

I’d love to hear from you, get in touch :)