Photo Walk Birmingham - 27/04/14

Just a quick thank you to all those that attended my first eveer photo walk, hosted by me! It was a great day and I think everybody enjoyed it? We started by exploring around The Library of Birmingham and through to Victoria Square. We continued down past Birmingham Cathedral and on to Snow Hill.

We took our time, took in a lot of the details of what was happening around us and shared our ideas, techniques and had a laugh along the way. It is certainly something I will do again so if you would like to join us, keep an eye on my Facebook Page for more details. Here is a taster video created by my good friend and Motor Verso Editor - Paul Hadley... Enjoy...

Ross Jukes

Ross Jukes is a Birmingham based Photographer and Videographer available for a variety of Freelance work. You can also Purchase framed Landscape prints etc.

Architecture in Birmingham


Cherry Blossom in Birmingham