West Midlands Wildlife Instameet - Brandon Marsh

It's no secret that I'm a fan of the occasional Instameet. It's an amazing community full of people passionate about photography (now that can't be a bad thing!). However, one of my favourite things about Instameets is the sheer diversity of the locations and subject matter.

The latest meet saw us travel to just outside Coventry and more specifically, Brandon Marsh Nature Centre. The event was organised by James Benwell from West Midlands Wildlife - https://www.facebook.com/westmidlandswildlife - and the highlight of the day was to be a murmuration of Starlings, a sight I was really looking forward to seeing.

James (aka @JimPanda on Instagram - well worth a follow, as is WMW -https://www.instagram.com/westmidlandswildlife/ ) organised the event with @IgersBirmingham and set about explaining more about the wildlife that we could expect to see. Now I'm no nature photographer and had already planned on just shooting a few 'landscape' images, but James quickly dashed any hopes of me seeing a Bald Eagle!

The day in the whole was very enjoyable and made a stark contrast to my usual City Centre based antics. Unfortunately, the murmuration did not materialise, yet I couldn't help but feel the faintest nip of the nature photography bug! There is certainly something enjoyable about walking around the countryside, treading lightly and challenging yourself to a new genre of photography. Though I think I might have to stick to the city shots for the time being, or at least until I learn where Bald Eagles come from! 

Ross Jukes

Ross Jukes is a Birmingham based Photographer and Videographer available for a variety of Freelance work. You can also Purchase framed Landscape prints etc.


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