Snow Hill Station and it's surroundings

I am always looking for interesting areas of Birmingham to shoot. There are many common places such as the Library of Birmingham that a photographer with a spare 30 minutes will run to to get some great shots (and as luck would have it, I have some coming up in my next Blog post!).

However, there are certain areas that sometimes get over looked and I think the are surrounding Snow Hill Station is one of those. I chanced my arm and went to the top of the multi-story car park above Snow Hill and grabbed some shots of the tower blocks, streets and view back down to St Chad's Church and Queensway (and even had time for some long exposures whilst there!) - Let me know what you think.... Check out my Facebook Page for more regular posts. 

Ross Jukes

Ross Jukes is a Birmingham based Photographer and Videographer available for a variety of Freelance work. You can also Purchase framed Landscape prints etc.

Birmingham on Fire - Wire wool Photography


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