Taking to the streets

I think it fairly clear that I love photography. I have no problem in getting up at 6.00am on a freezing morning in the hope that I will be rewarded with a stunning sunrise and produce one of my 'typical' images. However, this is not enough for me anymore and even though I am incredibly busy and have a constant flow of automotive work as well as commissions etc. I still want to be shooting every day.

So recently, I treated myself to a little pocket sized compact with the aim of having something I can carry and 'whip out' when I need it. Already, I have fallen in love with, but more on the gear in a future blog post. Why not just use an Iphone? I hear you shout... Well the simple truth is I like the feel of a 'proper' camera. I like the process of composing an image in my head, raising a camera to my eye and capturing a moment. I know, I'm old fashioned! I also like the process of bringing a file home, opening it up and, well, processing it. Yes I could run it through Instagram straight away, but I like the art of 'treating' an image exactly how I want to!

That's not to say that the final result will be made into prints and sold as art! Many of these images are purely for my Instagram account (follow me!) but that isn't the point. The point is that I can shoot everyday and force myself into capturing spontaneous scenes without the worry of 'will there be a good sunset?' - it really is the purest form of photography. So be warned, there will be more 'street photography' coming your way very soon, as well as some of the usual landscape stuff!

If you have any question about photography, why no get in touch

Ross Jukes

Ross Jukes is a Birmingham based Photographer and Videographer available for a variety of Freelance work. You can also Purchase framed Landscape prints etc.


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