Five Pieces of Photo & Video Gear That I Would Love to Try in 2025!
As 2024 draws to a close, it’s time to start planning for the next twelve months and I thought it might be good to share my thoughts on some gear that I would love to get my hands on in 2025! It would be really easy just to list off a load of dream cameras and lenses but that’s not really what this is about. Each of these items would help make a significant difference in either my workflow or the quality of my final output and let’s face it, that’s what all of this is really about.
As 2024 draws to a close, it’s time to start planning for the next twelve months and I thought it might be good to share my thoughts on some gear that I would love to get my hands on in 2025! It would be really easy just to list off a load of dream cameras and lenses but that’s not really what this is about. Each of these items would help make a significant difference in either my workflow or the quality of my final output and let’s face it, that’s what all of this is really about.
There are some pretty ambitious items on the list that may be out of reach. There are also some pretty surprising items as they don’t seem particularly exciting at first glance. There is no getting away from the fact that if I actually want to round up all of these items, a little win on the lottery would probably be needed (more likely the case that I’ll be overwhelming eBay with old camera gear!). But sometimes, it’s nice to have some lofty aspirations to keep you motivated on those cold, early January mornings! Let’s take a look at the list…
1) Canon C400
This one might be a bit of a stretch as it’s well outside of my budget, but the Canon C400 sure looks like an amazing camera. I recently broke the HDMI out on my Canon R5C and this has got me thinking about whether now would be a good time to ‘upgrade’ my main video camera. For anyone that has been following Canon’s latest offerings, you might think that the C80 is the obvious replacement but there are a couple of limitations with that camera. Notably, only having SD cards and the slightly peculiar body shape really put me off.
Source - CVP Via YouTube
The Canon C400 seems to offer everything I would ever need - more so in fact, so much more that it would be a borderline waste on me. However, that’s where the opportunity lies! Being able to grow into a camera system and push yourself on more challenging shoots is exceptionally beneficial. Plus, it has triple base ISO and solid autofocus, two things that I really would rely on judging by the varying nature of the work I carry out. My biggest challenge would be making the financial side of things work but sometimes, you have to push yourself and this may just be one of those times, we’ll see.
2) Zhiyun Molus G300
I’ve been a big fan of the Zhiyun range of lights for a while now and own a few. However, I always find myself just wanting that little bit more power in my bag. I use the G200 on a regular basis and it has been great and I absolutely love the form factor, but I worry about walking into a situation where 200w just isn't enough. I’m learning to light ‘spaces’ more than faces and with this in mind, I like the idea of having a few 200w+ lights that can help bring the overall ambiance of a scene up and having a 300w as a key light sounds like a good balance.
It’s difficult to say whether this is a good or bad option as there are certainly more powerful lights out there. However, I constantly have to think about portability and how I will travel with lights and this is where the G300 seems to be best in class - power vs portability! I can see this light working really well in my setup and is (in the world of lighting) even pretty reasonably priced. I will be holding out for some January Sales and hoping to add this to the kit bag.
3) Lighting Diffusion
OK, so this may seem like an obscure choice when talking about things that you can’t wait to try, but hear me out. In 2025, I want to move slightly more into corporate interviews and maybe even documentary style work, so lighting will be essential. With this in mind, learning how to diffuse light and create really pleasing and natural looking lighting is essential. Up-steps diffusion and with so much to choose from, it might be difficult knowing where to start.
Manfrotto offer a fantastic looking range of scrims and diffusion which certainly seem to have most bases covered. I could go down the ‘budget’ route of trying Muslin and even shower curtains! I’m just not sure how that looks when turning up to a commercial client's premises armed with what looks like a bag full of decorators dust sheets! It’s certainly an area that I am looking forward to experimenting with and hopefully upping the quality of my video production.
4) EIZO FlexScan FLT Monitor
I admit it, I get excited about some pretty unusual gear choices and upgrading my monitor setup is certainly on the cards in 2025! I was casually looking at EIZO’s lineup who are relied upon by many professional photographers & videographers and stumbled across the FlexScan FLT - A lightweight monitor with some pretty impressive stats but not just in the area you may think, but in its eco-credentials! This might be the perfect second monitor! It is literally a Class-A power efficiency monitor made from 95% recycled plastics, happy days!
Even though I was initially looking at replacing my main working monitor which is what led me to EIZO in the first place - I’m suddenly really drawn to the idea of having a secondary working monitor and with power efficiency and eco-credentials like this, it seems like a no-brainer. I will be trying to get my hands on one of these to see how it can help my workflow but it has also set my mind racing about where else I can be looking at more sustainable options and that can’t be a bad thing!
5) General Audio Gear
One area that I would probably like to focus on making some serious upgrades is my audio gear. I have already invested in this area quite a bit but the more work I do, the more I realise just how important it is to be able to capture good quality audio in a range of circumstances. Nothing panics me more than forgetting to set audio levels correctly or a mic being badly placed and even though 32-bit float audio is a lifesaver, there are always areas for improvement.
Source - Curtis Judd Via YouTube
One particular area that I am keen to improve is the quality of the Lav mics that I use and getting better at placing and hiding a mic. In a dream situation, the Sanken COS 11D’s look like amazing options. It’s not super-necessary for a lot of the style of work that I do but showing an appreciation for subtle improvements in the quality of output is what elevates you above your competition. It’s the kind of area that many people might look to save a few quid but actually, nailing audio might just be one of the most important steps in the video process.
Rounding Up…
I love this time of year and not because of the Whiskey and Mince Pies (I’m quite partial to one of those!) but because it offers an opportunity to take stock of where you are and plan out where you want to be. Making lists like this might feel fanciful and more of an elaborate shopping list to show off to your fellow photographers/videographers - but I actually think it’s a really useful exercise in seeing how you can grow and become a better professional in your area of production.
I may not accrue all of the items on this list (I’m looking at you Canon C400! ££££) but by consciously looking for the gaps in your current gear and how you can make your workflow faster, easier and better quality - it’s not just good for you but also your clients and the quality of your final output. I’m really keen to hear what areas you are looking to upgrade in 2025 and what’s on your kit wish list? Leave a comment below and thanks for reading.
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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.
Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK/US are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.