VIDEO: Fuji X10 in 2025! BEST Budget Fuji X100V Alternative?
The Fuji X10 could be one of the best budget alternatives to the legendary Fuji X100V and similar style cameras. However, can a camera from 2011 really compete with the modern day lowlight monsters? In this video I look at the pro’s and obvious con’s of comparing a camera over a decade older than it’s modern counterparts. I have previously written about the Fuji X10 and it’s fair to say I was a fan then, but has anything changed?
The Fuji X10 could be one of the best budget alternatives to the legendary Fuji X100V and similar style cameras. However, can a camera from 2011 really compete with the modern day lowlight monsters? In this video I look at the pro’s and obvious con’s of comparing a camera over a decade older than it’s modern counterparts. I have previously written about the Fuji X10 and it’s fair to say I was a fan then, but has anything changed?
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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.
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