Tutorial Ross Jukes Tutorial Ross Jukes

The Golden Hour...

Photographers know all-to-well about the importance of good light and summer is a constant battle between the hard light in the daytime and the glorious 'Golden hour' in the morning and evening when the light is a lot softer and warmer. As many of you will know, I regularly shoot cars (more Here) and the golden hour is perfect to accentuate the lines of a car. 

Last Thursday, I was frantically shooting a Citroen DS4 with my good friend Paul for Motor Verso and hunting for the good light. We could see the sun was setting and flitting with the clouds and in the hope of capturing the last of that nights sun we took the car to the multi-storey car park by Birmingham Markets. After convincing a security guard to let us have (literally) 5 minutes to go to the top floor we caught this glorious sunset and even though I was meant to be shooting the car, I couldn't help but shoot our great city! 

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