My Top 10 Cameras of 2022!
my favourite cameras in 2022
As the year comes to an end, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at some of my favourite cameras that I have used in the last 12 months. I use a camera every day for work, but I also take a huge amount of pleasure from just picking up a camera and going for a walk. This means that cameras do different things for me, some are work horses for specific jobs, some are purely for the user experience!
As I shoot more and more film, I’ve learnt that I really enjoy the slower process. Taking time to compose images, check exposure and the mystery of how it will come out is thrilling. With this in mind, you can probably guess that if I could only use one camera, it would probably be film (and medium format at that!).
That said, I have had to upgrade my camera this year and the new ‘daily driver’ has been interesting to say the least! However, I have also found myself exploring digital cameras for everyday use and have been really enjoying the journey. Film prices have made it difficult to justify taking an analogue camera out every time so finding a digital camera with an analogue feel was essential! Let’s get into the list…
10 - Koni Omega Rapid M
Coming in at ten but by no means a bad camera os the Koni Omega Rapid M. This was a bit of a random purchase for me and not really something I had spent a lot of time researching. The only thing that really stood out to me was the 6x7 aspect ratio. I knew that I was never going to afford a Mamya 7ii or the like so when I found out about the Koni, I was intrigued.
The Koni Omega Rapid M is capable of some really sharp images
However, when I saw the prices, I was immediately sold on the idea. Coming in at a fraction of the prices of the trendy Mamiya, it almost seemed silly not to at least give it a go. My major concern was finding a decent example. My eBay searches were mainly bringing up cameras located in Japan. I wasn’t concerned about importing one but as luck would have it, one popped up in the UK and I quickly snapped it up!
The camera is simple to use (with one of the coolest shutter advances I’ve ever seen - imagine cocking some kind of vintage gun!). The ergonomics of the camera are not great, it’s bulky, heavy and a bit of a pain to carry around. However, the results are fantastic and certainly make me wonder why anyone would spend more for the Mamiya (apart form maybe the weight and user experience!).
9 - Fuji X10
Next up is a very recent purchase and I’ve recently posted a review about this camera, so I won’t go into too much detail here. The more I use it though, the more I enjoy it. This little camera fits so well in a pocket and for me, the results are certainly good enough that it justifies living in my pocket.
Need I say more about the little Fuji X10?
Possibly my biggest wish for this camera would be the low light performance. Whereas it is perfectly capable of getting a good image in darker conditions, it takes work. Given the age of the camera though, I really am nitpicking and this is a great little camera to use in most other circumstances.
8 - Fuji X100V
For many, seeing the mighty X100V languishing down in eighth might seem completely foolish. However, I have really had to try to love this camera. It is probably the closest thing to the perfect pocket camera out there in 2022. However, my main gripe is it’s barely pocketable!
The Fuji X100V can produced super rich and vibrant images
I love the images that can be had from this camera and the looks, ergonomics and user experience are all fantastic. Trying to fit it in a pocket is not such a good experience. In the winter months, when big coats are a must, it’s a great camera to carry. In the summer though, if you’re going out in jeans and a T-shirt, you’re going to need to bring a bag!
7 - Canon Eos R
Many people may assume I’ve completely lost my mind to see the Eos R even on the list, let alone ahead of the X100V. However, this camera has been a complete workhorse for me and even though it may not be my ‘main’ camera anymore, it still makes for a fantastic second camera.
The Canon Eos R once again proving why I can’t let it go…
When it was released, the ‘R’ got a lukewarm reception to say the least. For me, the ergonomics are great, it’s reliable in most circumstances and my style of work, the results are more than acceptable. With decent video quality and a pretty snappy autofocus system, this camera has been rocksolid and still earns a place in my camera bag.
6 - Yashica Mat 124 G
The Yashica Mat 124 G is a pretty legendary camera. An affordable alternative to the Rollei counterparts, this is a common starting point for the entry to the world of TLR’s. I picked up a very clean example at auction and even at the time, I knew I was paying over the odds but I’m glad I did!
The Yashica Mat 124 G is a much loved camera for a reason…
It’s a super simple camera to use and TLR’s by their very nature are just a joy to use! I’ve had so much fun using this camera and produced some of my favourite images from this year on it. If you’re in the market for a TLR and find a good example at the right prices, I wouldn’t think twice about grabbing one!
5 - Canon P Rangefinder
The Canon P was probably the 35mm camera that really got me interested in analogue photography, I think the camera is beautiful and is an absolute joy to use! I can’t really compare this to the Leica alternatives but considering you’ll be paying over ten times more for a Leica, I’m certainly happy with the P!
The Canon P Rangefinder is such a funny camera to carry…
The biggest downside of the P for me personally is that it’s not medium format. I simply prefer the image quality and detail from the larger negative and I would almost always pick up one of the bigger cameras over the P every time. It’s such a shame though as this is a beautiful camera and I would absolutely recommend it if you’re not interested in film size!
4 - Mamiya 645 Pro TL
Ok, so this camera being so high up on the list is quite a surprise to me! It’s a great camera and having owned the ‘Pro’ - I picked up a ‘Pro TL’ as it was such a good deal! However, the 645 negative size never really did it for me and I found myself leaning towards other cameras.
The Mamiya 645 Pro TL can produce images to rival almost any medium format camera…
That was until film prices went through the roof in 2022 and I have to admit, I’ve found myself using this camera more and more. It’s a fantastically versatile camera and produces great results. I always class it as more of an ‘entry level’ medium format camera but I admit, that’s complete rubbish - this is a very capable camera one that I will be shooting with more next year!
3 - Leica M8
OK, so I admit that this camera was a complete indulgence and you can find out more about it in my first impressions. That said, I absolutely love this camera and once you get past the price tag, it actually suits many of my wishes from a camera! The shooting experience is great, it feels solid in the hand and the results that you can get from it are incredible.
The Leica M8 has a truly ‘film’ camera feel with most of the benefits of digital…
Obviously, it’s completely perfect. It’s practically useless in anything other than good light and can feel a bit chunky at times (though that is the ‘classic’ Leica feel). More concerning though is the potential for weird artifacts in the image and knowing that the M9 had a bit of a sensor issue, it’s always nagging in the back of my mind that it could just die!
2 - Canon R5C
Right, so this is the big one! This is the camera that I upgraded too and I’m so glad that I did. I will be doing a review of it but needless to say, I love this camera. The results that you can achieve from this thing (both in photo and video) completely justify the hefty price tag!
The Canon R5C is a remarkable camera and I will do a full review soon…
However, this is a complete ‘tool’ and it is only used that way. In fact, I don’t think I’ve take it out once to shoot for pleasure. The main reason being that this camera is not one camera, it’s two! It has two separate operating systems for photo and video. The ergonomics for a photo camera are not the greatest and there are a few cameras I would rather pick up ahead of this.
With all that said though, this is a fantastic camera though and hasn’t missed a beat when it comes to commercial work. In an ideal world, I would probably have separate photo and video cameras but with all the features this camera packs in, I’d be spending a lot more money for that privilege!
1 - Bronica GS-1
Well, this is quite the turn up for the books… I spent a long time looking at the Mamiya RB67 and the Pentax 67 to fulfill my six by seven desires. The more research I did, I kept coming across the ‘underrated’ Bronica GS-1. According to all of the reviews, the size, weight and usability of the ‘Bronnie’ were all better than the aforementioned options!
The Bronica GS-1 is a special camera and I will do a full write up very soon!
However, having now used all three, I can honestly say I am happy with my choice and I absolutely love this camera! The waist level viewfinder is beautifully clear, the shooting experience is a pleasure and I can walk around with this camera all day and not feel too concerned about weight!
The thing that really got me though are the results that can be had with this camera! I have picked up a few lenses and keep finding myself gravitating back to the 100mm. Given the choice of all the cameras I own, this is the one that I would be picking up if I could only use one camera!
So there you have it, that’s pretty much my year in cameras and unless anything major happens, these are the ones I will be using the most in 2023 as well! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the list though and what would you pick? Happy shooting in 2023!
Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission for providing the link. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.