Gear, News Ross Jukes Gear, News Ross Jukes

VIDEO: Fuji X10 in 2025! BEST Budget Fuji X100V Alternative?

The Fuji X10 could be one of the best budget alternatives to the legendary Fuji X100V and similar style cameras. However, can a camera from 2011 really compete with the modern day lowlight monsters? In this video I look at the pro’s and obvious con’s of comparing a camera over a decade older than it’s modern counterparts. I have previously written about the Fuji X10 and it’s fair to say I was a fan then, but has anything changed?


The Fuji X10 could be one of the best budget alternatives to the legendary Fuji X100V and similar style cameras. However, can a camera from 2011 really compete with the modern day lowlight monsters? In this video I look at the pro’s and obvious con’s of comparing a camera over a decade older than it’s modern counterparts. I have previously written about the Fuji X10 and it’s fair to say I was a fan then, but has anything changed?

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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.

Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK/US are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.

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Gear, News Ross Jukes Gear, News Ross Jukes

VIDEO: My Favourite Cameras That I have Used in 2024!

I love using different cameras and whether they are film or digital, photo or video focussed - every one of them brings something unique. I thought I would share my favourite cameras that I have used throughout 2024 and there may be a few in there that surprise you. Take a look at the video and let me know in the comments what your favourite camera of 2024 has been!


I love using different cameras and whether they are film or digital, photo or video focussed - every one of them brings something unique. I thought I would share my favourite cameras that I have used throughout 2024 and there may be a few in there that surprise you. Take a look at the video and let me know in the comments what your favourite camera of 2024 has been!

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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.

Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK/US are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.

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Gear, News Ross Jukes Gear, News Ross Jukes

REVIEW - Manfrotto Pro Light Cineloader Small - Big Things come in Small Packages!

I have previously reviewed the Pro Light Cineloader Medium and it’s fair to say that I absolutely loved it! So when Manfrotto reached out to me and asked if I would like to try the Small version, it was an instant yes! I would highly recommend reading my review of the medium as the small is almost exactly the same, just smaller… It boasts the same excellent build quality, thoughtful design and offers a great level of protection for your gear - but let’s take a closer look, I’ll keep it brief.


I have previously reviewed the Pro Light Cineloader Medium and it’s fair to say that I absolutely loved it! So when Manfrotto reached out to me and asked if I would like to try the Small version, it was an instant yes! I would highly recommend reading my review of the medium as the small is almost exactly the same, just smaller… It boasts the same excellent build quality, thoughtful design and offers a great level of protection for your gear - but let’s take a closer look, I’ll keep it brief.


As mentioned, I’ll try not to repeat myself too much from the review of the medium version of the Cineloader but it’s fair to say it’s smaller sibling is no less of a quality product. In many respects, I’ve actually found the small version more useful as commonly, I just want to transport a rigged out camera and don’t need all of the additional space that the medium offers. More so, it fits on top of a Pelicase perfectly with the additional loop and that has become my go too setup - Cineloader for the camera, Pelicase for all of the additional items.

Build and Features

The build quality is excellent with a good, solid structure to the bag which gives you extra confidence that your precious gear will be protected. This is something that I have tested out the ‘hard’ way when I dropped my bags down a set of stairs! The Cineloader did a wonderful job of protecting the camera and apart from wiping a bit of dust from the water repellent exterior, everything was fine - apart from my embarrassment levels which were distinctly peaked! 

There is a single larger compartment in the interior with ‘M-Guard’ dividers that feature heavily in the medium bag also present here. The dividers help the versatility of the bag but personally I have been using the bag without them, preferring to just have the main compartment for the built out camera rig. The straps, zips and padding are all equally as well constructed as on the medium version and Manfrotto have certainly not skimped in any way on the smaller version.

Source: ProAV TV via YouTube

Usability and Versatility

What the small version lacks in terms of size compared to the larger options, I think it makes up for its portability and usability. The small is the perfect size for small and medium cinema rigs and it makes it the perfect option for just throwing a camera in the bag and running out of the door. Not having to break a camera down to transport it really is the biggest feature of the Cineloader bags once you’ve used one, it’s pretty difficult to go back to the ‘old’ way of doing things.

Apart from the trolley loop setup which has become my preferred way of transporting the bag, the included shoulder strap is more than comfortable enough and makes carrying the bag for long periods of time easy. External pockets also add to the versatility of the bag and on many occasions, if it’s just capturing b-roll or a simple setup, I just take the small with a few batteries in the pockets and a tripod strapped to the top with the included tripod loops - good job Manfrotto.

Final Thoughts

It’s very difficult not to just repeat everything that I have said in my review of the Pro Light Cineloader Medium as it really is only the size that is different. However, I do find that having both sizes offers a lot of benefits for different styles of working. The medium certainly has its benefits for larger jobs when you might be carrying multiple cameras and all of the additional items that are needed such as audio, lighting etc.

However, the small bag is a joy to use when you simply need to travel light and I love combining it with a Pelicase and having my perfect ‘solo shooter’ setup. You will probably have noticed that I haven’t mentioned any negatives and that is because I really can’t find any. Even the price, usually around £150-£170 is a good price for a product of this quality. The bigger question is does this fit your needs? If you regularly carry a rigged out camera, or even cameras with longer lenses - it’s difficult to see how this wouldn’t be a great addition!

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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.

Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK/US are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.

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Gear, News Ross Jukes Gear, News Ross Jukes

Five Pieces of Photo & Video Gear That I Would Love to Try in 2025!

As 2024 draws to a close, it’s time to start planning for the next twelve months and I thought it might be good to share my thoughts on some gear that I would love to get my hands on in 2025! It would be really easy just to list off a load of dream cameras and lenses but that’s not really what this is about. Each of these items would help make a significant difference in either my workflow or the quality of my final output and let’s face it, that’s what all of this is really about.


As 2024 draws to a close, it’s time to start planning for the next twelve months and I thought it might be good to share my thoughts on some gear that I would love to get my hands on in 2025! It would be really easy just to list off a load of dream cameras and lenses but that’s not really what this is about. Each of these items would help make a significant difference in either my workflow or the quality of my final output and let’s face it, that’s what all of this is really about.

There are some pretty ambitious items on the list that may be out of reach. There are also some pretty surprising items as they don’t seem particularly exciting at first glance. There is no getting away from the fact that if I actually want to round up all of these items, a little win on the lottery would probably be needed (more likely the case that I’ll be overwhelming eBay with old camera gear!). But sometimes, it’s nice to have some lofty aspirations to keep you motivated on those cold, early January mornings! Let’s take a look at the list…

1) Canon C400

This one might be a bit of a stretch as it’s well outside of my budget, but the Canon C400 sure looks like an amazing camera. I recently broke the HDMI out on my Canon R5C and this has got me thinking about whether now would be a good time to ‘upgrade’ my main video camera. For anyone that has been following Canon’s latest offerings, you might think that the C80 is the obvious replacement but there are a couple of limitations with that camera. Notably, only having SD cards and the slightly peculiar body shape really put me off.

Source - CVP Via YouTube

The Canon C400 seems to offer everything I would ever need - more so in fact, so much more that it would be a borderline waste on me. However, that’s where the opportunity lies! Being able to grow into a camera system and push yourself on more challenging shoots is exceptionally beneficial. Plus, it has triple base ISO and solid autofocus, two things that I really would rely on judging by the varying nature of the work I carry out. My biggest challenge would be making the financial side of things work but sometimes, you have to push yourself and this may just be one of those times, we’ll see.

2) Zhiyun Molus G300

I’ve been a big fan of the Zhiyun range of lights for a while now and own a few. However, I always find myself just wanting that little bit more power in my bag. I use the G200 on a regular basis and it has been great and I absolutely love the form factor, but I worry about walking into a situation where 200w just isn't enough. I’m learning to light ‘spaces’ more than faces and with this in mind, I like the idea of having a few 200w+ lights that can help bring the overall ambiance of a scene up and having a 300w as a key light sounds like a good balance.

It’s difficult to say whether this is a good or bad option as there are certainly more powerful lights out there. However, I constantly have to think about portability and how I will travel with lights and this is where the G300 seems to be best in class - power vs portability! I can see this light working really well in my setup and is (in the world of lighting) even pretty reasonably priced. I will be holding out for some January Sales and hoping to add this to the kit bag. 

3) Lighting Diffusion

OK, so this may seem like an obscure choice when talking about things that you can’t wait to try, but hear me out. In 2025, I want to move slightly more into corporate interviews and maybe even documentary style work, so lighting will be essential. With this in mind, learning how to diffuse light and create really pleasing and natural looking lighting is essential. Up-steps diffusion and with so much to choose from, it might be difficult knowing where to start.

Manfrotto offer a fantastic looking range of scrims and diffusion which certainly seem to have most bases covered. I could go down the ‘budget’ route of trying Muslin and even shower curtains! I’m just not sure how that looks when turning up to a commercial client's premises armed with what looks like a bag full of decorators dust sheets! It’s certainly an area that I am looking forward to experimenting with and hopefully upping the quality of my video production.

4) EIZO FlexScan FLT Monitor

I admit it, I get excited about some pretty unusual gear choices and upgrading my monitor setup is certainly on the cards in 2025! I was casually looking at EIZO’s lineup who are relied upon by many professional photographers & videographers and stumbled across the FlexScan FLT - A lightweight monitor with some pretty impressive stats but not just in the area you may think, but in its eco-credentials! This might be the perfect second monitor! It is literally a Class-A power efficiency monitor made from 95% recycled plastics, happy days!

Even though I was initially looking at replacing my main working monitor which is what led me to EIZO in the first place - I’m suddenly really drawn to the idea of having a secondary working monitor and with power efficiency and eco-credentials like this, it seems like a no-brainer. I will be trying to get my hands on one of these to see how it can help my workflow but it has also set my mind racing about where else I can be looking at more sustainable options and that can’t be a bad thing! 

5) General Audio Gear

One area that I would probably like to focus on making some serious upgrades is my audio gear. I have already invested in this area quite a bit but the more work I do, the more I realise just how important it is to be able to capture good quality audio in a range of circumstances. Nothing panics me more than forgetting to set audio levels correctly or a mic being badly placed and even though 32-bit float audio is a lifesaver, there are always areas for improvement.

Source - Curtis Judd Via YouTube

One particular area that I am keen to improve is the quality of the Lav mics that I use and getting better at placing and hiding a mic. In a dream situation, the Sanken COS 11D’s look like amazing options. It’s not super-necessary for a lot of the style of work that I do but showing an appreciation for subtle improvements in the quality of output is what elevates you above your competition. It’s the kind of area that many people might look to save a few quid but actually, nailing audio might just be one of the most important steps in the video process.

Rounding Up…

I love this time of year and not because of the Whiskey and Mince Pies (I’m quite partial to one of those!) but because it offers an opportunity to take stock of where you are and plan out where you want to be. Making lists like this might feel fanciful and more of an elaborate shopping list to show off to your fellow photographers/videographers - but I actually think it’s a really useful exercise in seeing how you can grow and become a better professional in your area of production.

I may not accrue all of the items on this list (I’m looking at you Canon C400! ££££) but by consciously looking for the gaps in your current gear and how you can make your workflow faster, easier and better quality - it’s not just good for you but also your clients and the quality of your final output. I’m really keen to hear what areas you are looking to upgrade in 2025 and what’s on your kit wish list? Leave a comment below and thanks for reading.

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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.

Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK/US are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.

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Gear, News Ross Jukes Gear, News Ross Jukes

Belroy Traveller 26L - The Perfect Travel Companion for Photographers

The Bellroy Venture Travel Pack 26L is a versatile and thoughtfully designed backpack that offers photographers a blend of style, functionality, and durability. As a photographer constantly on the move, I've found this pack to be an excellent companion for both urban adventures and outdoor shoots. However, does its stylish looks outweigh its practicality? Let’s find out…


The Bellroy Venture Travel Pack 26L is a versatile and thoughtfully designed backpack that offers photographers a blend of style, functionality, and durability. As a photographer that travels and is constantly on the move, I've found this pack to be an excellent companion for both urban adventures and outdoor shoots. However, does its stylish looks outweigh its practicality? Let’s find out…


Design and Build Quality

I’ve previously used a Belroy Sling and was always seriously impressed with the build quality and the 26l is exactly the same. Bellroy has crafted the Venture Travel Pack with a sleek, minimalist aesthetic that doesn't scream "camera bag." This low-profile design is perfect for photographers who want to blend in while navigating busy city streets or exploring new locations. The bag is constructed from a 100% recycled water-resistant woven fabric that feels robust and ready to withstand the rigors of travel.

The zippers are heavy-duty and feature weather-sealing strips, providing an extra layer of protection for your valuable gear. While these zippers may feel a bit stiff initially, they do loosen up with use. The overall build quality is impressive, with no noticeable issues even after months of use.

Comfort and Ergonomics

For photographers who often carry heavy gear for extended periods, comfort is paramount. The Venture Travel Pack excels in this area, thanks to its well-designed back panel and shoulder straps. The back panel features a contoured shape that follows the natural curve of your spine, with a solid lumbar support cushion at the bottom. This design helps distribute weight evenly and reduces strain on your back, especially when carrying a full load of camera equipment.

The shoulder straps, while slightly rigid, are comfortable and feature a sternum strap for added stability. The top grab handle is generously padded, making it easy to maneuver the bag in tight spaces or when stowing it in overhead compartments. Personally, I found the bag to be very comfortable to carry for long periods of time and loved carrying it around whilst exploring new cities. A lot of the time, you just forget it’s there. 

Capacity and Organisation

With a 26-litre capacity, this backpack strikes a good balance between spaciousness and compactness. It's large enough to accommodate a professional camera body, an extra lens or two and accessories while still fitting under most airline seats as a personal item.

The main compartment opens both fully clamshell-style and as a top-loader, offering flexibility in how you access your gear. This feature is particularly useful for photographers who need quick access to their equipment without fully unpacking the bag. 

One of the standout features for photographers is the "brain" pocket at the top of the bag. This compartment is divided into two sections and can easily fit a mirrorless camera like a Fuji X100V or even a larger camera with a pancake lens. It's an ideal spot for storing frequently used items or smaller camera gear that you want to access quickly. For me, it was the X100V and an Osmo Pocket 3 - perfect travel companions. 

Camera Gear Storage

While the Venture Travel Pack isn't specifically designed as a camera bag, it adapts well to photographic needs. The main compartment can easily accommodate a camera cube, allowing you to organise and protect your gear efficiently. Alternatively, you can use packing cubes and pouches to create a custom setup for your equipment.

The bag's various pockets and compartments offer ample opportunities for organizing smaller items like memory cards, batteries, and filters. The side pocket is large enough for everyday carry items but can be useful for storing a travel tripod or monopod, depending on their length. 

Unique Features

One of the most innovative features of this backpack is the hidden tote bag stored in a dedicated pocket on the front of the bag. This 15-liter tote can be incredibly useful for photographers who need an extra bag for carrying props, additional gear, or even souvenirs picked up during their travels. It’s also useful if you are exploring a new city and want to leave the main bag behind, just carrying the tote bag itself.

The water bottle pocket does take up some internal space but provides easy access to hydration while on the go. However, it may cause some gear in the main compartment to shift if not packed carefully. Personally, I used it for smaller items and never bothered with a water bottle. I found this compartment was ideal for storing toiletries and other potential ‘leak’ hazards as it is separate to the main compartment. 

Weather Resistance

The water-resistant fabric and weather-sealed zippers provide good protection for your gear in light rain or drizzle. However, for heavy downpours or extended exposure to the elements, you may want to consider using an additional rain cover for extra peace of mind. I have been caught in a few showers and the bag has stood up to the test very well, but it’s always best to practice a bit of caution. 


One of the Venture Travel Pack's strongest suits is its versatility. It can seamlessly transition from a camera bag to a travel pack, hiking backpack, or even a daily office bag. This adaptability makes it an excellent choice for photographers who don't want to invest in multiple specialised bags. The addition of laptop storage pockets also make this great for those that need to edit on the go! 

Pros and Cons


  • Versatile Design: Functions well as both a travel pack and camera bag.

  • Comfortable Carry: Ergonomic back panel and padded shoulder straps reduce fatigue.

  • Ample Organisation: Multiple compartments including a "brain" pocket for easy access.

  • Hidden Tote Bag: Extra storage option for souvenirs or additional gear.

  • Durable Materials: Water-resistant fabric protects against light rain.

  • Travel Friendly: I’ve been using this as a ‘carry on’ bag so no need to pay for a cabin bag. 


  • Saggy Base: The rounded bottom makes it difficult for the bag to stand upright.

  • Water Bottle Pocket: Takes up internal volume that could be used for gear.

  • Side Pocket Depth: Items stored here can sink too low, wasting space.

  • Weight Distribution: Heavier loads may require more support; adding a waist strap could enhance comfort.

  • Cost: Certainly not the most budget friendly option. 


The Bellroy Venture Travel Pack 26L is a compelling option for photographers seeking a versatile, well-built backpack that doesn't compromise on style or functionality. Its thoughtful design, comfortable carry, and adaptable storage make it suitable for various photographic pursuits—from urban street photography to outdoor adventures.

While it may not have all the specialised features of dedicated camera bags, its versatility and quality construction more than make up for it. For photographers who value a bag that can seamlessly transition between different roles and environments, the Bellroy Venture Travel Pack 26L is definitely worth considering.

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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.

Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK/US are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.

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Gear, News Ross Jukes Gear, News Ross Jukes

The Prompter People Pocket Cue V3 4K Teleprompter: A Game-Changer for Videographers and YouTube Creators

Sometimes, you have to put your hand up and say you were wrong and for me, I was wrong about Teleprompters. I always assumed they weren’t necessary and as long as you knew what you were talking about and felt confident enough, they were just a waste of money. That was until I tried out the Prompter People Pocket Cue V3 4K - A literal game changer for how I produce and make video content and instantly a must-have piece of kit. 


Sometimes, you have to put your hand up and say you were wrong and for me, I was wrong about Teleprompters. I always assumed they weren’t necessary and as long as you knew what you were talking about and felt confident enough, they were just a waste of money. That was until I tried out the Prompter People Pocket Cue V3 4K - A literal game changer for how I produce and make video content and instantly a must-have piece of kit. 

I reached out to Prompter People after having my interest piqued by one of the many positive videos popped up on my YouTube feed raving about how good it was. The pleasant people at Prompter People promptly sent me a prompter to practice with - try saying that drunk! As soon as I completed the easy assembly, loaded up my first makeshift script and got scrolling away, I was hooked - what had I been missing out on all of these years. 


I don’t claim to be a YouTuber but I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve wasted on recording and then recording videos because I’d forgotten something or simply got something wrong! Even worse, how many times I had been shooting a video for a client who was a little nervous in front of the camera only to get home and find that all of the takes were, well, useless. This isn’t just embarrassing for them but it makes me look incompetent! Up steps the Pocket Cue V3 and as we’ll see, this versatile little helper has quickly become a staple of my video making package. 

Overview of the Prompter People Pocket Cue V3 4K

The Prompter People Pocket Cue V3 4K is a compact and portable teleprompter designed for modern content creators. It's compatible with a wide range of cameras and smartphones, making it an ideal choice for both professional videographers and aspiring YouTubers. The setup boasts optical quality beam splitter glass, ensuring high-quality image transmission while allowing the presenter to read the script comfortably.

Prompter People’s excellent TeleScroll software makes using the V3 a breeze and even for first-time prompter users, it’s easy to get the swing (well, scroll) of things. Better yet, the compact design makes it fantastic for travelling with and with the wide range of accessories, it is easy to tailor your setup to your individual needs. Whether it’s a permanent studio setup or something light and portable, the V3 fits into most production scenarios. 

Build Quality

I really wasn’t sure what to expect for build quality for a teleprompter but I guess the most obvious thing is that it needs to feel robust and that it will stand the test of time. The Pocket Cue V3 absolutely jumped out to me as a quality product. The toolless design, built for ease of assembly and quick use means that you will instantly get a feel for all of the components and when handling each, you can feel the quality. 

My version included a few optional extras, such as the stand which felt like a premium product - no corners cut here. The inclusion of a travel bag is a nice touch but also no surprise as this promoter is built to be used on set or at different locations. Even the bag itself is thoughtfully laid out offering maximum protection for all of the parts and that oh-so-precious beamsplitter glass. All-in-all, I have zero concerns over build quality and this thing is built to last. 

Ease of Assembly

The first thing to note is that the unit is built to be used in different environments, whether on set, in a studio or as part of a home-setup. However, assembly is very simple and straightforward and the toolless design is intuitive. My only concern was getting the camera setup inside the hood correctly and after making a few adjustments, I was away. I had forgotten to take into account the field of view as I chose to shoot quite wide, but the Prompter People website clearly states the lens compatibility and this was complete on me - I simply had to zoom in a few millimeters and all is fixed.


This is where the V3 really shines and you can tell that this is a product that Prompter People have put a lot of thought into. The V3 is built to be portable and is easy to travel with but adding accessories to suit your needs really brings it to life. I had the additional stand to use on productions and the robust legs were perfectly capable of taking my camera setup as well as the V3. An included L-bracket makes it an excellent option for filming vertical content for social media or adding the phone accessories completely illuminates the need for a traditional camera setup.

Pocket Cue V3 7” Widescreen 4K LCD Monitor

As versatile as the teleprompter is, for me, two accessories in particular really took this teleprompter to the next level. First up is the 4K LCD Monitor included in the monitor version. This impressive little monitor packs an 1800 NIT punch with 4K HDMI loop through that can display 1080p/1080i 180hz (1920 x 1080 180fps) | 4K 60HZ (4K 60FPS. The monitor can be powered via the included power supply or NPF style batteries. I’ve loved using this as a ‘talent’ monitor to check focus, framing and check audio levels etc. via my camera's HDMI out feed. I find that the monitor is essential to my setup and I’m not sure I would feel as confident in front of the camera without it. 

Shuttle Cue Lite & Smart Remote

My second killer accessories are the remote option. The Smart Remote is a Bluetooth remote that works perfectly with a smartphone or tablet and is discreet and easy to use to move the text on the prompter along. However, I much preferred using the Shuttle Cue, a feature richwired remote with super smooth control for start/stop functionality and adjusting the speed of the prompter. I found this remote so intuitive to use and it just works seamlessly with the TeleScroll software. Between the Monitor and the Remote, they perfectly accompany the Pocket Cue V3 and make it quite a formidable package. 

TeleSroll Software

If the hardware features weren’t impressive enough, the TeleScroll software is the beating heart of this entire system. In truth, I barely touched the surface of what this fully featured software can do as I was mainly concerned with its primary function, you know, prompting. However, when you start digging into the software and using the authoring tools and unleash all of the customisable viewing options etc. You soon see why TeleScroll stands out from the competition. Even more impressively, Prompter People have just launched VoiceScroll which looks like an incredible option and I will add an update to this review once I have had more time with it - no doubt it will work seamlessly. 

Benefits of Using a Teleprompter Like the Pocket Cue V3 4K

Even though we have covered all of the features of the equipment and software, I just want to touch on some of the underlying benefits of using a teleprompter like the Cue V3. I personally think that by delivering clear, consistent messages whilst maintaining eye-contact with your audience, the perceived level of any production will be improved. The direct connection with the viewer will help maintain attention and engagement, critical in a world where attention is at a premium.

Using a prompter also allows for better consistency in messaging and video quality. For those that need a similar structure throughout a series of videos, a prompter really is essential. For those looking for a more fluid approach to their productions, the Cue V3 offers amazing versatility both in terms of portability and the use of mobile phones or the ability to shoot vertical content - it really does have all bases covered. 

Who Would Benefit from Using the Pocket Cue V3 4K?

I can really see an argument for the Cue V3 in most video/YouTube setups. Whether you are a professional videographer that needs to produce client videos with clear, precise messaging - or a content creator that is sharing review, tips & tricks with an audience - having well structured content, thoughtful and clear delivery is essential in gaining the attention and trust of your audience. For videographers, it will help inspire confidence from clients and in some scenarios, you may even be able to charge for hire of a prompter, which really makes it a valuable asset. 

For those producing online courses or cooking tutorials etc. having the ability to list complex information like it is all at the tip of your tongue will make you look more professional and cement you as a trusted source. Personally, when I am creating camera reviews etc. for YouTube - I like to have all of the specifications and key points listed on the prompter and then to ‘freestyle’ the bits that I want to talk about. This approach seems to fit my needs rather than feeling tied to a script, yet ensuring I cover off all of the points that I need to. 

Pros of the Pocket Cue V3 4K

1. Portability and Versatility - Easy to travel with and setup for a range of different uses

2. High-Quality Optics - The Beam Splitter glass is superb quality with no impact on the final image

3. Easy Setup and Use - Toolless design makes it ideal for the less technical of us (me included!)

4. Improved Confidence and Delivery - You’ll look and feel like a Pro with expert video hosting skills!

5. Time-Saving - Productions will be quicker, easier and more consistent! 

Cons of the Pocket Cue V3 4K

1. Learning Curve - It takes a bit of getting used to when presenting - practice makes perfect! 

2. Cost - This is a premium level product that sits above more ‘budget’ options both in quality and cost.

3. Potential for Over-Reliance - It can feel like a safety net losing a little of the spontaneous magic.

4. Additional Equipment Required - Although not essential, the accessories really bring it to life. 


I have labelled the Prompter People Pocket Cue V3 4K a ‘game changer’ and that’s not a term that I would use lightly. In terms of the impact of a single piece of equipment, I can’t think of any item that has changed my approach more to creating online content and in particular, YouTube videos than the Cue V3. I see so much benefit in using a setup like this and judging by the amount of popular YouTubers that use a prompter, it seems other people also agree. 

However, the benefits don’t stop there. If you are a professional videographer creating client focussed work, having the ability to utilise a prompter really is a fantastic tool at your disposal. Anything that makes a client look better on camera will make them love you! In addition, the timesaving element and potential to charge for hire of the prompter really make this a suburb addition to any commercial videographers kit.

Probably the biggest downside is the initial outlay and the potential learning curve whilst getting used to using prompter. Depending on the individual, with a little practice it really does become natural to use a prompter and like me, you might find ways of using it that suit your own style. As for the cost, that may be a limiting factor to some, but having seen some of the more ‘budget friendly’ options - buying cheap may indeed lead to ‘buying twice’ as you will probably see what you miss out on by not choosing a well rounded option like the Cue V3.

Ultimately though, you will probably already have an idea if a teleprompter fits in your workflow and if the benefits outweigh the cost. For me, I’m not sure I could go back to not having the option to use a prompter and it’s something that I know clients will also appreciate. The biggest downside for me personally is that now I will be producing more YouTube videos and that means my face all over the internet - time to start saving for the hair transplant! 

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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.

Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK/US are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.

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Gear, News Ross Jukes Gear, News Ross Jukes

REVIEW - Sekonic L-858D - The Rolls Royce of Light Meters!

The Sekonic L-858D Speedmaster light meter is a sophisticated tool that has become increasingly popular among photographers, particularly those working with film. This advanced meter offers a range of features that cater to both digital and analog photography needs, making it a versatile choice for professionals and enthusiasts alike. In addition, it could be useful for those working with video and filmmakers who need a professional grade light meter, let’s take a closer look. 


The Sekonic L-858D Speedmaster light meter is a sophisticated tool that has become increasingly popular among photographers, particularly those working with film. This advanced meter offers a range of features that cater to both digital and analog photography needs, making it a versatile choice for professionals and enthusiasts alike. In addition, it could be useful for those working with video and filmmakers who need a professional grade light meter, let’s take a closer look. 

Sekonic L858D with a Bronica GS-1


Design and Build Quality

The L-858D is a robust and weather-resistant construction, designed to withstand the rigors of outdoor photography and all of the challenges that landscapes can throw at it. It is dustproof, splashproof  and ensures reliability in various shooting conditions. The meter features a mix of physical buttons and a 2.7-inch color dot-matrix touchscreen, providing an intuitive interface for users and the screen is a joy to use.

One of the standout design elements is the retractable incident metering lumisphere, which can rotate 270 degrees, offering flexibility in measurement angles. The meter also includes a 1-degree spot meter for reflected metering and a 1/4-20 mount point on the base, enhancing its versatility. The versatility of this little beauty is one of the standout features, offering reliable metering whatever your needs. 

Video Source - Stephen Milner via YouTube

Enhanced Sensitivity

The L-858D has impressive sensitivity, capable of measuring light levels as low as 0.1 lux or to the uninitiated, like me, in very dark situations! This three-stop improvement over previous models is particularly beneficial for photographers working in low-light conditions or with long exposures. This may be particularly useful to landscape photographers or those shooting film, where reading even the lowest measurements of available light is critical.

Expanded Measurement Range

With an ISO range extending up to 13,107,200 and a luminance range of 0.1 to 2 million lux, the L-858D can handle a wide variety of lighting scenarios. This expanded range is especially useful for film photographers who often work with various film speeds and lighting conditions. However, most photographers and videographers will benefit from this incredible range and it will come as good comfort that you are pretty much covered in any situation.

Customisable Profiles

The meter allows users to create and store custom camera exposure profiles, which can be particularly useful for film photographers working with different film stocks. These profiles can be easily edited, saved, and recalled, providing quick access to specific camera or film characteristics. This is one feature that I absolutely love and is a real time saver, in particular if you are using multiple cameras or prefer certain film stocks in different lighting conditions. 

Filter Compensation

The L-858D can store up to 30 filter factors, allowing photographers to account for light loss when using filters. This feature is invaluable for landscape and fine art photographers who frequently use neutral density or color filters. Landscape photographers using ND filters will love this feature and for those of us using older film cameras where it may be necessary to use centre ND filters to compensate for vignetting - this is a real killer feature. 

Multiple Measurement Modes

The meter offers both incident and reflected light measurement capabilities, with the ability to switch between them without changing attachments. It also includes an illuminance mode, which is useful for measuring the intensity of light sources. I have personally held back on buying expensive light meters in the past because of needing both incident & reflected meters, but this solves that problem by having both metering methods available, though this does come at a price. 

Averaging and Contrast Measurement

The L-858D can store up to 9 measurements in memory for averaging, helping photographers determine optimal exposure in complex lighting situations. Additionally, the AVE/EV feature allows for easy measurement of lighting ratios, which is particularly useful for portrait and studio photographers. Average metering is one of the most effective metering methods for shooting with film stocks. Using this feature can also work well with the Zone System famously used by Ansel Adams - whereas that is slightly different to average metering, the L858D is a fantastic tool for use in the Zone System. That would take an entire blog of its own to explain though! 


The touchscreen interface of the L-858D represents a significant improvement in usability compared to previous models. The menu system is generally intuitive, although some users may find that certain features require navigating through multiple levels. It also takes a level of knowledge around metering terms and methods but I doubt this is the kind of light meter that ‘new’ photographers would be plumping for, so some knowledge is certainly assumed. 

The meter's ability to auto-dim its backlight to prevent influencing measurements is a thoughtful touch that demonstrates attention to detail in its design. The option to lock the touchscreen while still taking measurements adds an extra layer of usability, particularly in challenging shooting conditions. I did find the screen a little difficult to see in very harsh lighting situations but this is quickly resolved when shielded with a hand.


1. High sensitivity in low-light conditions

2. Extensive measurement range

3. Customizable camera/film profiles

4. Comprehensive filter compensation features

5. Versatile measurement modes

6. Durable, weather-resistant construction

7. Intuitive touchscreen interface

8. Uses standard AA batteries


1. Some features may require navigating through multiple menu levels

2. The touchscreen may take some getting used to for those accustomed to analog meters

3. The price point may be high for casual photographers

4. Some advanced features may be unnecessary for certain users

Who Would Find It Useful…

Film Photographers

The L-858D is particularly well-suited for film photographers due to its ability to create and store custom profiles for different film stocks. Its high sensitivity and expanded measurement range are also beneficial for those working with various film speeds and in challenging lighting conditions. I, for one, found this an incredible tool to accompany any of my film cameras, no matter how accurate I assumed their meters to be - the L-858D would be my go-to choice. 

Landscape Photographers

The meter's durability, filter compensation features, and ability to average multiple readings make it an excellent tool for landscape photographers, especially those working with large format cameras. I assume many would rely on modern cameras internal metering but if you really want to unleash your creativity in the wild, adaptive and versatile metering is a must and there are few that are more versatile than the L-858D.

Studio Photographers

The illuminance mode and the ability to measure lighting ratios easily can be invaluable for studio photographers working with complex lighting setups. This is certainly not my forte so I will leave that to the experts, but I can certainly see the benefits of such a hugely capable light meter. 

Long Exposure Enthusiasts

The L-858D's enhanced low-light sensitivity and expanded measurement range make it particularly useful for photographers experimenting with long exposures. Film photographers dealing with reciprocity and all the other challenges of shooting film will also enjoy the L-858D’s all encompassing abilities.

Professional Cinematographers

While primarily designed for still photography, the meter's ability to handle various frame rates and shutter angles makes it a versatile tool for cinematographers as well. Simple things like being able to measure in T-Stops and the aforementioned ability to average meter and consider lighting ratios make this an excellent tool for those dealing with moving images, as well as still. 

Video Source - Sekonic Via YouTube

Comparison to In-Camera Metering

While many digital cameras offer sophisticated in-camera metering systems, a dedicated light meter like the L-858D can provide several advantages, especially for film photographers:

1. Consistency across different cameras and film stocks

2. More precise control over exposure, particularly in challenging lighting situations

3. The ability to meter light without the camera, which can be beneficial for large format photography

4. Advanced features like filter compensation and custom profiles that may not be available in-camera

All-in-all, the L-858D offers a more versatile and trustworthy level of metering that most modern cameras simply can’t compete with and for film shooters, it’s quite simply a must! 

Software and Connectivity

The L-858D offers connectivity with MAC/PC Software, allowing users to upgrade firmware, apply custom settings, and utilise exposure profiling. This feature enhances the meter's longevity and adaptability to future needs.

Value Proposition

At a retail price of around £600 (though price do seem to vary so some research is suggested), the Sekonic L-858D represents a significant investment. However, for professional photographers and serious enthusiasts, particularly those working with film, the meter's advanced features and durability can provide excellent long-term value. Many photographers view a high-quality light meter as a lifetime investment, and the L-858D's comprehensive feature set positions it well in this regard. I’m a big believer in ‘buy cheap, buy twice’ so even though it is a heavy investment, it really will pay off in the long run. 


The Sekonic L-858D Speedmaster is a highly capable light meter that offers a wealth of features for both film and digital photographers. Its enhanced sensitivity, expanded measurement range, and customisable profiles make it particularly well-suited for film photography, while its durability and versatility appeal to a wide range of photographic disciplines.

While the meter's advanced features and touchscreen interface may present a learning curve for some users, the overall design is intuitive and user-friendly. The L-858D's ability to handle complex lighting situations, coupled with its filter compensation and averaging capabilities, make it an invaluable tool for photographers who demand precise exposure control.

For film photographers, landscape shooters, and those working in challenging lighting conditions, the L-858D offers capabilities that can significantly enhance workflow and ensure consistent, accurate exposures. While the price point may be high for casual users, professionals and serious enthusiasts will likely find the investment worthwhile, given the meter's comprehensive feature set and potential for long-term use.

Ultimately, the Sekonic L-858D Speedmaster stands as a powerful tool in the modern photographer's kit, bridging the gap between traditional light metering techniques and contemporary digital technology. Its ability to cater to both film and digital workflows makes it a versatile choice for photographers across various specialties, ensuring its relevance in an ever-evolving photographic landscape.

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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.

Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK/US are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.

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10 Essential Amazon Black Friday Tips for Photographers & Videographers

I love a bargain as much as the next person and whenever ‘Black Friday’ rolls around, I find a comfy chair, a cup of coffee and arm myself with my credit card waiting to snag myself a deal! However, this annual homage to consumerism isn’t always the money-saving bonanza that we think it is and quite often we can find ourselves spending more than we’d planned to! So how can you take best advantage of the Black Friday deals? I’ve added my top tips to give you a chance of actually grabbing a bargain and not going bust! 

A line of Cameras on a shelf

I love a bargain as much as the next person and whenever ‘Black Friday’ rolls around, I find a comfy chair, a cup of coffee and arm myself with my credit card waiting to snag myself a deal! However, this annual homage to consumerism isn’t always the money-saving bonanza that we think it is and quite often we can find ourselves spending more than we’d planned to! So how can you take best advantage of the Black Friday deals? I’ve added my top tips to give you a chance of actually grabbing a bargain and not going bust! 

Don’t forget to leave your own personal tips in the comments below :)


1. Plan Ahead: Know What You Need

It might sound obvious, but start by assessing your current equipment and figuring out what you need versus what you want. This is the ideal time to consider any upgrades that could enhance your workflow, whether it’s a faster lens, a new lighting setup, or additional storage solutions. Once you have a list, note down the specific brands, models, or features you’re looking for. This will help you stay focused during the sale and avoid impulse purchases that may not serve your long-term goals. I tend to keep a list throughout the year of items that I know I will need, usually more memory cards!

Camera items including Memory Cards

Memory Cards are always a good buy!

2. Set a Budget and Stick to It

Black Friday can lure even the most disciplined buyers into overspending, especially with so many enticing offers flashing on your screen. Set a budget for how much you’re willing to spend on new equipment, and be realistic about it. Keep in mind that even small accessory purchases can add up quickly. Sticking to a budget will help you prioritise purchases that provide real value to your business and prevent unnecessary splurges that could strain your finances later on. 

V-mount Batteries

Batteries are usually another good Black Friday Bargain

3. Consider your Cashflow

OK, this one may seem a little obscure at first but stick with me! Have you thought about how you are actually going to pay for your items and in particular, bigger purchases? I’m a strong believer in never taking out credit to pay for an item and no Black Friday bargain is worth going into debt for. If you are upgrading gear, have you considered the resale value of your old equipment? Will you get enough money back to cover your beautiful new purchase? Be realistic, if it’s going to be a financial stretch, it won’t feel like you’re getting a good deal. 

4. Compare Prices to Ensure the Best Deal

Just because an item is labeled “Black Friday Sale” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the lowest price you’ll get. Use price comparison tools like Camera Price Buster which track the historical prices of camera products. These tools can show you how an item’s price has fluctuated over time and help you determine whether it’s truly a good deal. Additionally, check other retailers to see if they’re offering better discounts on the same item; sometimes, brands will match or even beat Amazon’s pricing during Black Friday. I personally check prices against eBay to see whether something really feels like a bargain.

5. Look for Bundle Deals

During Black Friday, many brands offer bundled packages that include multiple items at a discounted rate. For photographers and videographers, bundles can include a camera body with additional lenses, memory cards, or even a tripod. These bundles provide substantial savings compared to purchasing each item separately, allowing you to stretch your budget further. Just make sure to review the items in each bundle to confirm they match your needs and are from brands you trust. In addition, look out for the ever-popular Adobe deals - you can save big on the Creative Cloud plans. 

6 Think Outside the (Camera) Box

Similar to the idea of keeping a list of items you think you will need, also try to consider items that might not immediately spring to mind - like stationery, books, printing and framing materials etc. Personally, I’m holding out for things like Cinefoil, Diffusion Cloths and 5-in-1 Reflectors - all stuff that wouldn’t immediately get you excited about grabbing a bargain but you’ll be glad of any additional discount. Think through your entire workflow and see what springs to mind! Another great area to save money on is external storage, you can never have enough! 

Various camera related accesories

Think of what other accessories you may need!

7. Consider Refurbished Gear for Extra Savings

If you’re open to buying slightly used or refurbished gear, Amazon’s refurbished section can offer deep discounts on cameras, lenses, and other equipment. Refurbished items are typically inspected and tested to meet certain quality standards and often come with warranties. You’ll pay significantly less than you would for a brand-new item, which can be a great solution for picking up a backup camera or testing out a new lens without a huge investment.

8. Follow Influencers and Reviewers for Recommendations

During Black Friday, photography influencers and tech reviewers often share curated lists of the best deals, particularly on Amazon. These individuals frequently have early access to deals or insider knowledge of upcoming sales. Following a few trusted voices can give you the extra edge in discovering discounts you might have missed. Look out for photographers or videographers who have similar styles or equipment needs to your own—they often post recommendations that are specific to professionals like you.

Video Lights

Tech items usually have a good chance of being discounted

9. Use Social Media to Catch Flash Sales and Exclusive Offers

Brands tend to ramp up their social media activity during Black Friday, announcing flash sales or exclusive discounts across their social media channels. Follow your favorite photography and videography brands on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, and set notifications for posts if possible. Social media can be a valuable source for early access to sales, exclusive discount codes, or limited-time offers that aren’t widely promoted.

10. Be Ready to Act Quickly

The most popular Black Friday deals, especially on high-demand photography and videography items, can sell out quickly. If you see a deal that aligns perfectly with your list, be prepared to act fast. Amazon’s “Lightning Deals” are designed to offer high discounts for a short time or until stock runs out, so having a solid plan in place can help you avoid missing out. Ensure your payment information is updated, and if there’s something you absolutely need, consider setting alarms or reminders for when deals are expected to go live.

Wrapping Up

Black Friday on Amazon can be an ideal opportunity to get high-quality gear at a fraction of the cost, but only if you’re strategic about it. These tips will help you stay focused, save money, and build out your photography and videography kit without the stress of overspending. Remember that preparation is key, and a little advance planning can go a long way in ensuring you get the most value out of this shopping season.

Various Camera Lenses

Think about what you can sell to finance your new purchases!

Whether you’re upgrading to a new camera, adding a versatile lens to your collection, or picking up accessories to improve your setup, Black Friday deals on Amazon have something for every photographer and videographer. Just keep your list and budget in mind, and you’ll be well-equipped to score the best deals while building out your creative arsenal. Happy shopping!

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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.

Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK/US are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.

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Gear, News Ross Jukes Gear, News Ross Jukes


I get a lot of questions about my cameras and how I set them up, so I thought I would share my Canon R5C Cinema rig build. This setup is designed to be minimal yet feature rich, capable of shooting great, cinematic footage in most scenarios. Check the video description for links to all of the products used in this rig build. It might be a little bit ‘geeky’ but I hope you find it useful - leave a comment below if you do :)


I get a lot of questions about my cameras and how I set them up, so I thought I would share my Canon R5C Cinema rig build. This setup is designed to be minimal yet feature rich, capable of shooting great, cinematic footage in most scenarios. Check the video description for links to all of the products used in this rig build. It might be a little bit ‘geeky’ but I hope you find it useful - leave a comment below if you do :)

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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.

Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK/US are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.

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Gear, News Ross Jukes Gear, News Ross Jukes

REVIEW - iFootage Cobra Strike 3 - New Heights for Monopods

iFootage has developed a great name amongst photographers and videographers over recent years with high quality yet affordable products. With their latest addition to their monopod range, the Cobra Strike 3, they have gone even further to provide a fully specced product that really does tick all of the boxes. If you are after the ‘TLDR’ lowdown, this thing is incredible and should be part of any photographer/videographers kit.


iFootage has developed a great name amongst photographers and videographers over recent years with high quality yet affordable products. With their latest addition to their monopod range, the Cobra Strike 3, they have gone even further to provide a fully specced product that really does tick all of the boxes. If you are after the ‘TLDR’ lowdown, this thing is incredible and should be part of any photographer/videographers kit. However, that doesn’t really do it justice, read on to find out more.

I’ve owned and used many monopods over the years and I’m sure like many of you, always just assumed that they are basically fancy sticks for balancing a camera on - how hard can that be? Well, of those many Monopods almost all of them have failed the test of time. They have either broken, been too fiddly to use or simply not been practical enough to use, in particular as you grow as a creator.


I have a lot of faith in the stability of these things, but I DO NOT recommend walking away from them 😅

The Strike 3 (not to be confused with its sibling, the Cobra 3 - that ‘Strike’ part is very important, as we’ll see later) is pretty much all things to all users. Whether you shoot photo or video, use a basic camera setup or rig out heavy video cameras with long telephoto lenses - the Strike 3 has you pretty well covered. In combinations with the K5S fluid head, it really is a remarkable package that is pretty difficult to beat. 

Design and Build Quality

The Strike 3 builds on years of the ‘Cobra’ line and it really shows that iFootage have put those years of experience to good use. I’ll cut to the chase and get the headline feature out of the way - single handed use! That might not sound like anything you’ve ever needed from a monopod but believe me, once you’ve tried it, you’ll never go back! Gone are fiddly flip locks or twist locks to adjust the height of your monopod - now, a simple grip of the locking system and you can raise or lower the monopod to your desired height - it’s so simple. 

I spent at least 30 minutes just extending and lowering the monopod in amazement! The amount of time it saves is incredible and you might be thinking ‘well it can’t be as secure as flip locks’ - believe me, it’s rocksolid, as I’ll show later with my own experiences. I can almost guarantee that this will change how all monopods operate going forwards. Not only is it intuitive and simple to use, but having another hand free means that you can keep operating your camera making fast shot setup and angle changes a breeze.

Video Source - Paule Heimlund via YouTube

Whilst we’re on the subject of angle changes, at the base you will not only find new improved feet for excellent stability, but iFootage’s pedal system for quickly adjusting the angle of the monopod. A simple press on the foot pedal releases the monopod so that you can freely move to a variety of angles. Press down further and return the monopod to the centre and it snaps back into a perfectly vertical position and automatically locks in place - ingenious. This feature alone makes using the tripod so fast and easy to get the angles you need. 

It passed Tilly's 'sniff' test with flying colours 😻

The fun doesn’t stop there, at both the top and bottom of the tripod you will find the Cobra 3’s popular Quick Release system, allowing you to quickly detach either the fluid head or feet. Both have their own use cases but detaching the feet in particular reveals a rubber base, similar to what you would find on a traditional monopod for single point contact with the ground - useful in tighter spaces. However, the feet are part of the beauty of this monopod, they offer amazing stability!

Depending which package you go for, if you get the additional K5S fluid head (and if you shoot any video work I can highly recommend it) then the monopod really does come to life. The K5S has pan and tilt motions that can be locked for static shots and even has an additional arm for smoother camera movements. I was sceptical about how much I would need a fluid head for a monopod but it came in incredibly useful.

Phew, now that’s the main design out of the way we can look at build quality and as you would expect from iFootage, it’s excellent. The monopod feels robust and very tactile. It is a mostly metal with some plastic parts (again, depending on the version you get) but even where there is plastic, it is high quality and built to last. My only concern would be how the ‘Stirke’ system, the locking mechanism for adjusting height will fare over time - iFootage have rigorously tested it so I feel confident that it will last, time will tell. 

Performance and Usability

I could talk for a very long time about this but I’m sure you’d rather I got to the point, it is excellent. There are so many well crafted features here from basic things like the included bag (that even extends if you want to leave the head attached) to the innovative ‘Strike’ system that I still can’t work out how it actually works! It really feels like iFootage have gone out of their way to build the most effective monopod they could. 

I have been fortunate enough to use the Strike 3 on a few shoots now, one in particular was a seven hour event coverage that included both photo and video. The Strike 3 completely changed how I approached this. Normally, I would need to grab a few quick photos and then set a camera up on a tripod and slowly move it around the room, trying not to disturb the crowd or speaker, all whilst sweating and generally looking like I don’t know what I am doing.

The Strike 3 changed all of this. The 5 kg payload meant that I was able to balance my R5C rig on top and even though neither iFootage or I would recommend ‘letting go’ of the monopod with a camera balanced on it - that is exactly what I found myself doing. I was shocked at the stability of this monopod even with a pretty decent sized rig balanced on top. This free’d up my hands to grab photos and in general, just move a lot quicker whilst adjusting height/angles and still getting rock solid shots. Happy camera operator and more importantly, happy client.

In real world use, the Strike 3 is excellent and delivers everything I had hoped for and more...

I would say there is a tiny learning curve to using the foot pedal and ‘Strike’ system but within minutes, it starts to feel natural. It’s like getting into a car you haven’t driven before, you just need to learn where the controls are but it isn’t long before you’re flying along. One of the best value propositions for the Strike 3 is just how much flexibility it offers and how creative you can get with the shots. With a height range of 71cm with the monopod only, or over 150cm with the monopod fully extends, you have most shots covered - and that’s before you get really creative and just combine the fluid head with the feet for super low angle shots - no monopod needed at all!

Video Source - Kyle Watts via YouTube

Pro’s and Con’s

As you can tell, I’m quite a fan of this monopod so I’m going to set myself a challenge and start with some cons, though I will stress, it was a real challenge to find any.


The main downside for most will be the price. It starts from $299 (UK prices not available at time of writing) and with the K5S fluid head rises to $449. For most, that may make this a choice between a dedicated tripod or an all singing and dancing monopod. Having used both, I can really see an argument for the Strike 3 - it’s versatility is incredible. However, there is no getting away from the fact that there are cheaper options out there. Not many will be able to boast such high specifications and almost none will be as simple and intuitive to use.

The next con is the overall size. For some applications the minimum length of just over 71 cm and weight of 1 kg (both going up slightly depending on which package you choose) make this a dedicated choice to carry. In years gone by, I have carry a simple carbon fibre monopod that was both half the weight and length of the Strike 3 - the basic monopod pretty much just lived on my bag ‘incase’ I needed it, where as the Strike 3 feels far more of a choice as to whether I carry the additional item - though the included bag does at least make it simpler to carry.


I will try to restrain myself but the ‘Strike’ system is genuinely ‘game changing’ (I promised myself I wouldn’t use that phrase but it really is!). It is so simple to use and makes the way I operate so much smoother. The foot pedal and quick release system mean that this is by far the most versatile monopod that I have ever used and in conjunction with the K5S fluid head - I’ve already picked this system up over my $2500 Gitzo tripod setup on multiple occasions. 

The high quality material and attention to detail really makes you feel like you are using a premium product. I often think with some camera gear manufacturers that they must not actually use the products - with iFootage, it feels like they’ve tested their products to destruction - tweaking every little detail so the user experience is perfect. That is how I see this, almost perfect. 

Final thoughts

In all honesty, I harassed iFootage a little as I was desperate to try the Strike 3 as I thought it might offer a few benefits to me as a solo operator. However, I didn’t think I was quite prepared for how blown away I would be by it. The quality is excellent, the innovation is incredible but more than anything else, it just seems to open up new possibilities both in terms of speed and creativity.

With the K5S fluid head, I can use the included Manfrotto style plate to quickly switch from the monopod, to a gimbal or even a bigger tripod, making solo shooting fast and easy. This means that I can produce better work for clients in a shorter time and ultimately, that’s where I see the value proposition of this monopod. I understand that it may represent a large investment for some photographers/videographers - but if used right, I can almost guarantee this monopod will pay for itself in terms of time saved and the creativity it unlocks.

The Strike 3 has made me fall in love with iFootage even more. It feels surprisingly good to see a company dedicated to making products that make our lives as content creators easier. Rather than simply creating products with basic iterations - they seem dedicated to making genuine innovations and really pushing the industry forwards. I can’t wait to see what they come up with next!

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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.

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