VIDEO: My Favourite Cameras That I have Used in 2024!


I love using different cameras and whether they are film or digital, photo or video focussed - every one of them brings something unique. I thought I would share my favourite cameras that I have used throughout 2024 and there may be a few in there that surprise you. Take a look at the video and let me know in the comments what your favourite camera of 2024 has been!

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About the Author - Ross Jukes is a professional Photographer and Videographer with over a decade of experience. Working in both Digital and Analogue formats, Ross has worked with international clients, had his worked published numerous times and exhibited his work extensively. With a passion for all things photographic, Ross combines his experience, enthusiasm and dedication to his art form to create engaging and educational content for the photographic community.

Disclaimer: All links to Amazon UK/US are affiliated links - you will still pay the same price but I will receive a small commission. All information provided in this blog is intended either for educational or entertainment purposes and is accurate to the best knowledge of the author. However, further research/professional advice should be sort before making purchases/implementing any advice given and no responsibility is taken by the author or parties mentioned here within.

Ross Jukes

Ross Jukes is a Birmingham based Photographer and Videographer available for a variety of Freelance work. You can also Purchase framed Landscape prints etc.



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